02 December 2011

Like a little Armageddon

Glory for the Emperor!

 So last night I faced off against Jason G and his ork horde.  The keyword for the game was brutal.
The Last Stand

We had capture and control with dawn of war deployment.  Turn one wasn't that eventful other then the ven dread dropping in his back line and flaming some boys.

Turn two is when all the fun started.  By the end of the assault phase in the top half of turn two I had lost a Land Raider, a Rhino, couple of boys and found the Ven dread being rammed by a battle wagon.  I managed to stop the battle wagon in its tracks, but that just caused all the boys to get out.  This is where we find our poor ven dread  surrounded by 40 boys set on taking him apart part by part.

End of Assault, top of turn 2!
Bottom of two found Vulkan charging the bike mob after letting loose with the gauntlet of the forge and softening them up a bit.  After a heroic back and forth with the terminators I managed to cause the Warboss and his bunch to flee, only to see them charge back in turn three.  I did manage to wipe the warboss out in the end and this allowed Vulkan to move over in support of the poor immobilized dread and the loan combat squad up on the hill with the objective.  The problem was after Ghazghkull wiped out the other combat squad on the left he came over to the objective too, but with less helpful intentions.

Turn four found the end of Vulkan and the loan marine who had withstood countless rounds of close combat with the orks, but on the other side of the board a lone rhino charged towards the Orks objective.  First it was assaulted by an ork mob who attempted a death or glory attack as the rhino chaged through their ranks.  Unfortunately the ork nob came away with a hunter killer missile in his claw instead of stopping the Rhino.  This realization came to him just before he was crushed under its tracks.  At the bottom of turn 5 this would be repeated with the ork mom on their objective allowing the rhino to contest the ork objective, while the Master of the Forge turbo boosted on to his own objective to contest it as well.

So a truly brutal but really fun game came away as a draw.  I really look forward to a rematch in the future.

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