02 March 2010

Bug Hunt

So tonight I faced the new nid codex for the very first time.  I got to face Kaity for her second ever game, which I think between that and the scenario were the only reasons I was able to pull out a win.

We started off with a simple take and hold with a spearhead deployment.  Being a 750 point small game I was fielding Tac squads 1-3 and a stripped down Pred.  I was facing a TON of bugs lead by a tyrant.  I put one rhino on the far side of the board with the hope of grabbing the two objectives there.  The second went up the middle grabbing the middle objective.  The third went up the left side to see if I could either draw fire or take the middle left objective.  The Pred I held in reserve to see where it would be needed most. 

The bugs swarmed on from there corner, taking the two left side objectives right off the bat.  The first three turns just saw us consulidating our holds on the objectives.  A team of gaunts came in on the left side and ran smack dab into my third tac team.  I managed to win two rounds of hand to hand by the grace of god alone.

The rest of the game saw the Termagaunt brood opening up with their devourer guns....at 45 SHOTS!   All of these shots were at a combat squad from tac team 2.  I managed to only have to take 8 armor tests and saved all but one.  The Tyrant spent turns dropping barrages on the other half of squad two hunkered down in a crater for the objective there.

I managed to drive the rhino for squad two right up to the objective the Termigaunts were holding hoping to contest that one.  Alas I didn't drive it close enough.  We ended up playing turn 6, which saw more barrages on my poor combat squad.  In the end they managed to hold on to their objective.  With Tac squad one holding the two objectives on the far left.  Kaity managed to keep her first two, but did not contest the middle.  With luck on my side I managed to squeak out a win.  With some more practice and a bit more aggressive play she's going to wipe the board with all of us.

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