03 March 2010


Thought I would throw a quick update at ya.

Due to the amazing generosity of some friends I found myself with a new squad to work on.  Because of the style of mini and better quality they will be moved up to squad 1 and the others will move down a slot.  Problem is I really am not a fan of the current paint scheme for Salamander skin tones, so I've been trying to do helmeted units as much as possible. So out came the dremmel and we now have a headless Sergent.  His new helmet is ready to go, and as the model started with a empty left hand, we built out a bolter using a loose bolter, hand from a bolt pistol, and a scope for grins.  I really think he's gonna look great when I'm done.

An update on my good chaplain.  I finally got the base coat dark enough using only inks.  It looks pretty good.  I'm just worried about having to do any touch ups.  I opted to go with darker colors when ever the option is there.  Thus the trim on his shoulder pads is a shade darker then the rest of the chapter and his chest wings will probably be bronze instead of gold.

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