22 September 2010

Like Custer but with out the horses.

So last night Greg and I threw down with 2k of marines vs marines.  We opted to pull a random mission out of the battle missions book, which was cool but very very challenging.  Knowing I was facing marines I put together a little heavier army then I have been working with lately.  I took a chaplain and a full 10 man assault squad, let them have a comfy air conditioned ride in the Land Raider Redeemer instead of their normal jump packs.  Three tactical squads in Rhinos, a 6 man devastator squad in a razor back and two dreads, one Ven Plasma and the other a Quad AC.  All in all a nice little 2k force.   Greg brought bikes...lots of them, with 6..again I say 6 typhoons and a pair of vindicators mainly I think because he could.

Our mission ended up being a defensive mission from the space marines section of the book.  The defender (aka victim) sets up with in a 12 inch radius of the center of the board.  The attacker (aka assailant) sets up 18 inches from the center, giving you a whopping 6 inch "safety" zone.  The defender has the option of holding his fast attack in reserve, and the defender must put his HQ and Heavy in reserves.  This just means I don't have to worry about pie plates first turn.  We setup and it became clear I was gonna loose allot of gear first round of shooting.

So the game pretty much as I though the first two rounds.  Greg wipes out the land raider and the Ven dread first turn before they ever get off a shot.  Everything else hunkers down and goes in for the long hall.  I did manage to keep a devastator squad alive for most of the battle as they were locked in hand to hand with a bike squad and manage to save with no wounds for two or three turns.  Greg complained about having to make difficult terrain tests with his bikes trying to get into assault, to which i informed him he blew up the units that used to be there, and made the craters so if he doesn't want more craters stop blowing stuff up.  All in all it was a good game and I made Greg fight for every inch of terrain, in the end I was wiped out.  I managed to take most of his bikes with me and one of the Vindicators for a moral victory.

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