16 March 2010

Dam Emo Eldar

So tonight the heroic members of the fifth company came up against the Dark Eldar.  We played a quick and simple 500 point game.  I took my simple escalation leauge army and my opponent the ever hard to beat RingsBane took a quick moving force of two squads, a command squad in a raider and a ravager to really make it a fun evening.

I had to deploy first so I put out a good fire base of two missile teams and loaded the close in teams in the rhinos.  Since my opponent was going to hold everything to his first turn i put my predator in reserves.

First turn I move the rhinos up, and he opens up on a missile team with his ravager wiping them out to a man!  I manage to get a melta team in to range mid game dropping the ravager only to be wiped out by the command squad.

Now you might say, where's the predator...good question.  The predator failed every reserve roll and didn't arrive till turn 5.  He made a good showing driving on and immobilizing the raider with its opening volley.

At the end of the 5th turn we rolled and the game ended.  I had lost three combat squads and a rhino, my opponent had lost two vehicles and a squad.  Meaning my poor marines had lost the day.

All in all it was a good game with a great opponent, the dice were just against me.

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